IMGA Policies

IMGA Policies (updated Nov 2021)

Over a period of time the IMGA Board has attempted to improve the Chelsea sign up  participation without much success.     Each week we seem to have 10 to 15% of the field that  have asked to be added into the completed pairings.     We have always tried to accommodate  all of these players, but the volume of changes has become unmanageable and it also  contributes to imbalances in the team games.      

Therefore, the IMGA Executive board is taking the following steps to improve our process.    

We have implemented this new policy:   

The IMGA Board  

No Show Policy  (updated Nov 2021)

Effective immediately, IMGA is adapting a new policy of a one week suspension for No Shows for the league play.   This only affects players who have signed up to play, and who do not show up, and have not called to cancel at least one hour prior to the start time.   Each week along with publishing the list of Chelsea players, we will publish a “Wall of Shame”, for the no shows.   These players will not be allowed to play in the next event.